Articles And Announcements From Our Team Related To…

  • Enterprise Asset Intelligence
  • Enterprise Risk Intelligence
  • Risk-Based Asset Intelligence
  • Item-Level Serialisation
  • Auto-ID
  • RFID / NFC
  • Barcode
  • Enterprise Mobility
  • Cloud
  • Data Improvement
  • IoT / IoA / IIoT
This image accompanies Relegen's media release announcing the availability of the new assetDNA enterprise asset intelligence cloud platform

Media Release: New Enterprise Asset Intelligence Cloud Platform

May 14, 2019
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – 14 May, 2019 – Relegen, leading supplier of technology solutions to Defence and asset-intensive industries, is today announcing availability of the company’s enterprise asset intelligence technology solution – assetDNA – as a ‘Software as a Service’ (SaaS) product on Amazon Web Services...

Improving the Traceability of Guns, Firearms and Weapons

April 30, 2019
Whilst firearm incidents in Australia sit below global averages, research by the Australia Institute found there are more guns in Australia today than before gun control laws were tightened in 1996. However, what is of most concern to unions, industry bodies, security forces, and law...
This image accompanies a blog post on the top predictions for the Internet of Things in 2019

What Are Some Of The Top Predictions For The IoT in 2019?

December 18, 2018
It's that time of year when we see a treasure trove of forecasts for the year ahead. Whilst these predictions are hardly an exact science, it’s interesting to read the commentary as a gauge to what the future might hold in terms of the IoT...