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Tagging Spare Parts In Complex Asset Operations [Part II]

July 21, 2016
In our last post we described the importance of a secure serialisation platform, like Relegen’s asset intelligence product, assetDNA, when managing spare parts and their lifecycles in complex asset operations. But there’s another half of the equation – the tag that carries the global unique...

Improving Spare Parts Management In Complex Asset Operations [Part I]

July 5, 2016
When any complex asset is manufactured and enters operation, every part matters [think everything from small, low cost fasteners, bolts, adhesives, and aircraft components]. Assembly floor managers, service providers and suppliers already know that effective spare part management is essential for maintaining service levels, minimising...

Should You Rip-Out, Re-Write Or Re-Invent Your Legacy EAM Systems?

March 17, 2016
Deloitte’s just released their annual technology predictions for 2016 which focuses on 8 trends likely to disrupt business over the next few years. Whilst much of the report concentrates on futuristic technologies, what is most interesting, is that this year, one trend was dedicated to...