
Defence Industry Challenges

Achieving a true asset baseline grows ever more complex as the through-life management of Defence assets integrates with commercial supply chains, external servicing agents and contractors. Defence needs a single, trusted point of truth that delivers force-wide visibility with item-level granularity. This enables Defence to significantly improve the way they manage their extensive asset base – as they are acquired, deployed and sustained throughout operation, service, rotation and end of life.

Enterprise Intelligence Solutions for Defence

Relegen’s industry-proven technology products and professional services helps Defence organisations improve asset and risk data quality – data which is the necessary foundation for improving technical integrity, operational readiness and minimising risk.

A Single, Trusted
Operating Picture

Better data for smarter, faster business decisions.

Force-Wide Visibility
Of Assets & Risks

With unparalleled item-level data quality and granularity.

Data Improvement
As Business Occurs

Multi-agents collaborate and contribute to data profiles during routine works.

Electronic Data-Driven
Audit Trails

For issue, receipt, transfer, chain-of-custody and compliance checks.

Manage Data Across
Asset Lifecycles

Track items through configuration, operation, rotation, and end-of-life.

Mobile Workflows

Cleaner, faster physical asset audits, inspections, rounds and equipment issuance.

Leverage Serialisation,
Auto-ID, Barcode, RFID

For item identification, authentication and fast, accurate infield data capture.

Improved Inventory &
Supply Management

Know what you have, where it is. Prevent unauthorised and counterfeits parts.

To learn more about our enterprise asset and risk intelligence technology solutions visit our product pages.

To learn more abour Relegen Defence Services visit our professional services pages.

To discuss the requirements for your Defence industry application:

Relegen Defence Services

Relegen has a proven track record of successfully delivering people and technology-based solutions for the Australian Defence Force since 2000.
Relegen senior management has Defence force background and experience and we have a deep, extensive engineering network.